Refueling Mind, Refueling Soul
Comments 3

Simple things are sometimes the best


This saying made me laugh and is so true. It made me want to eat a pizza too.

While you can’t make everyone happy because you are not a pizza. Sometimes a pizza can make you happy! Sometimes the best medicine is just doing something simple for yourself and then everything feels better. A bath, a good movie, a glass of wine, a good night’s sleep, chocolate, and/or a pizza solves it all.  I like all of them on one night when I really need an escape!

Nothing too deep with this post….just simple medicine for refueling. What helps you unwind and refuel during a hectic or stressful time? Give me some ideas!!




  1. I like to watch a sad movie and have a good cry. Possibly while eating popcorn and/or chocolate. Makes me realize my problems are not as bad as they could be.

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